Life is Beautiful with the right People
One given than I’ve now learnt, is that people judge and change; and it is rarely done based on all your good but on your single/few bad. So when you find people or someone who accepts and sticks with you even at and through your worst, that, for me is the greatest human treasure.
Yes, it is or seems very understandable when people switch up on you after uncovering your lows. It is only human to do so. But the ones will ask the why’s and take it in their stride — they live by the higher way of true love and care. For that’s what true love is — forbearance, tolerance and forgiveness. You may not need a lifetime to know this — all it takes will be just a single fall from grace. And oh, it is scarce.
Yet it is no coercion, as we are all at liberty to fly and roost to whichever opinionated place we want. So when you find the ones who would not move their perception, opinion, love for you based on your bad history, circumstances and episodes — it is then that you have found a Treasure.
On the other side of this plain, is also the paradox of how we all are broken — both Judges and Culprits. For we all at least for once at a point in our lives, would switch up dockets — to stand accused or to stand judging. But the effort we all are making behind the scenes, is to be better — a way or another.
So my only word in today, is to tell you to keep working and fixing yourself to be better. Little progress is still progress. Baby steps everyday and you’ll surely unseat all your flaws. There will be new ones but you’ll get them too.
I believe that someday, you will find friends; who will forgive, who will love, who will yank-you-at-wrong but who will love you even more after your failings and who will stay. True love will find you. True love will always stay. True friendship will come to you — and someday you will find all the room you are looking for — to grow.
You’re never perfect. But seek growth and forgiveness always. The true ones will always stay and will always love — not from distances, not from arms-lengths, not with judgement and disdain, but from pure hearts — hearts that believe in what you believe in — that we’re all different shades of broken, only trying to paint up a perfect life picture.
True loves that will not describe you or see you with your mistakes — but ones that will hone on your good, believe in you by them, and walk with you all the way. Life is beautiful with the right people. It is my prayer that you find yours.